Saturday, November 3, 2007

n i n e - - -

the clock is ticking...loudly and clearly...reminding me the days left to the BIG day......

are you telling me the truth??how can a person forgot what he did a day before...that is so ridiculous...but oh have your own reason...just dont do it again...ok ok..i know that i am a control will just have to love me for it...=D

we went to eat dinner together...yay!! finally got to see you...after....2 cant blame me..we missed each other too much...=P then...we went to McD to study...saw 2 cute guys there...*wink* BUT...guess what??they're fair...they have smooth fair skin...geeee...that is so not "MAN"...guys should be dark and rough...there are a few types of guys in this world..such as:

-bad boy
-mama's boy
-the 'IT' guy
-sporty kind of guy for me...i fucking love bad boy type...& guys who are really really good in sports...having gsoh(good sense of humour) is also a must...i absolutely dislike guys that are:
and many many more...too many too be listed...haha...On the other sister...she love guys that are fair,shy,not sporty,specy And most of all...a guy that dont have a HOT bod(hellloooo!! hot bod is a must babe!!)...this is like entirely different from my taste...but thank god it is diff..otherwise we will be fighting over the same guy...

the 5 hottest guys(in my opinion,you can disagree):
  • shia labeouf
  • channing tatum
  • justin timberlake
  • timberland
  • kaka

ok ok...enough about guys..i am drooling...*yumm* =P

outta here~~~