Sunday, June 21, 2009

Blame it

lalala I am bored.
I need money but I don't want to do office job.
I want to do event jobs whereby I can be paid on that day itself.
Yes we still haven't get our darn effing pay yet.
I feel like going to their main office in Times Square and burn it!!!!

Anyway, I am doing this because I saw my name in Amanda's blog and I have nothing to do.

1) Copy the award above and paste it on your blog.
Huh whaat? Where got award?

2) Name 5 interesting facts about the presenter of this award.
Female version of BOB(from Monster Vs Aliens)
She's afraid of me :/
She doesn't know that I am quite afraid of her too because she is too smart. hahaha
She doesn't realize that she is very pretty

3) Every blogger has to name 10 facts/hobbies about themselves.
Love peeling skin. It is considered as one of my hobbies.Can de-stress one.
Get depressed/ angry/ emotional easily
Bad daughter, girlfriend and friend
Really wants my dad to be proud of me. Very very afraid that my dad will be disappointed in me
Love hanging out with guys rather than girls. But doesn't mean I don't like girlfriends la!
Prefer to fall asleep while reading story book at night rather than off the light and sleep normally
My thumb hurts since 1 and a half year ago and it still hurts. I still keep pressing it to feel the pain
I love my dog as much as I love my boyfriend
I don't think and act like a 19 years old girl
No one can understands me as I am super weird

4)You have to choose 10 award recipients and give a small description about them.
Crystal–have funny face expression.tahahhaa
Marcus–sigh, smart lorr..I also want!
Michelle Ngo–very noisy and aggressive
Loon Wei- Super nice guy but I hardly understand the words that are coming out from his mouth. I am slow and blur ok!
Howard - amazing photographer. Very emo
Kaye - the girl who I can really talk to
Yin Wey - Tall and hot
Emily - Woooo talks a lot. hahaha. Its not a bad thing ok.
Cherly - pretty pretty pretty and according to Nian, she does whatever you ask her to do.