Saturday, July 4, 2009

Harn's farewell

It was Harn's farewell dinner on Friday night.
The few of us went to SohoKL.
Lol we reached there at 10pm like that.
Settled down at Michelangelo's.

Bought this dress looooonnggg time ago but didn't get to wear it.

the dahhh-linggg

Ali who appeared out of no where.hahaha



We didn't know how to go.
and thanks to Ee Keen, we ended up lost.
But at least we found the place lahh.

Howiieee, Ziyin

Shu Wei, the "handsome" guy, Ee Keen

See! Kaye, you are a lucky girl. hahaha

Fuyoh, I sell the camera, can get a Myvi liao.

Enjoy yourself there Harn.

After that, we went to Cineleisure.
Met up with Jikz they all.
But no tickets so we went One-U.
Urghhh, my mood ar....that time damn dulan d lor..
Luckily I still can smile and tell Nian that I am not angry.
I was at the peak d.
Anyway, I cooled down after awhile.
We went to Mentari to drink.
Tell you something embarrassing ok?
I guess you guys know that I am super afraid of hmmmm practically everything.
But cockroaches are the most common one right.
When 6 of us were sitting in the coffee shop, a cockroach flew and landed on the table.
At first I didn't see, then Jikz wanted to whack the fella.
So the fella came running towards me.
I was damn scared and shocked so I wanted to stand up.
But as you also know that I am extremely clumsy,
yea you've guessed it,
I fell down.
Like...erm right infront of so many people while I was wearing that dress!
Got a few scratches lor.
and NO I didn't "zou guang".
Went to AC with Bee after that because the guys were not free.

See you soon Harn.
In September k!

Addicted to
- how 6 songs collide
-Better on the other side
- I got a feeling :D