Monday, June 29, 2009


My first car accident.

and I didn't feel scared,

more to feeling pissed.


M Circle

Celebrated Juan's birthday on Saturday.
Jason picked Jack, Jie Yi and me and we meet up with the guys at Vision.
Reached there around 12 something?
Lots of people I don't know, so Jie Yi and I just sit there and stoned.
I drank 3 cups of liquor and I didn't feel anything at all.
Okay? Normally I am not a good drinker lor, but I guess I am. tahaha

Jieyi..Eww I looked so freaking ugly.

With Bryan and Jie Yi


Damn pai seh. They are trying to lick me. haha

Jack, me, Doug, Jieyi, Chili, Will.I.Am

Chili- Maple Story friend

.......... '
They said do kissie pose but I don't know why I did not.


Chee Khiong, Chili, Doug, Darren, me, Jack

Kiss me???

Ok I don't know what were we doing.hahaha

2 guys were extremely drunk that night.
Darren puked like crazy.
Poor guys.
Jack, Jason and I were singing like mad people in the car.
Jack was high. He kept saying that its going to reach 5 o clock. Lol!
All of us meet at Darren's house.
They went to yam cha and I went home.
Next day I tried lying to my dad, saying that I was back around 4.
Then he said :" 4 your head! I know you came back at 530!"
lol crap.
But anyway, lucky he wasnt angry.

Arghhh, that smell.

Sunday, June 28, 2009




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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Revenge of the Fallen

Transformers 2.
I watched it liao!
Hmmm...I am still wondering why EVERYONE thinks that its a fucking awesome movie.
To me, it is just awesome. Without the "fucking" word.

Among all the autobots, I love Bumblebee the most.
Notice that Sam kept calling Bumblebee- Bee.
Hahaha so cute.

Since long long time ago, I've already like Shia Labeouf.
Not when he is in Even Stevens la.
But he is becoming not so cute anymore right?
Gee...nevertheless, I still love him.
Sigh, why can't he be with Megan Fox.
They will make such a cute couple.
Can even be voted as the best couple.
Why oh whyyyyyy

Megan Fox, I wonder why people believe that she was a guy.
Which part in the world makes people think that she was a guy!
She has genuine boobs, sweet voice....everything is so girly about her.
I highly doubt that she was a guy.
I believe what I see. hahaha.
She is super hot,man.
OMG tak boleh tahan laaaaaaaa
Bye bye, gonna go admire her amazing body and looks.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Blame it

lalala I am bored.
I need money but I don't want to do office job.
I want to do event jobs whereby I can be paid on that day itself.
Yes we still haven't get our darn effing pay yet.
I feel like going to their main office in Times Square and burn it!!!!

Anyway, I am doing this because I saw my name in Amanda's blog and I have nothing to do.

1) Copy the award above and paste it on your blog.
Huh whaat? Where got award?

2) Name 5 interesting facts about the presenter of this award.
Female version of BOB(from Monster Vs Aliens)
She's afraid of me :/
She doesn't know that I am quite afraid of her too because she is too smart. hahaha
She doesn't realize that she is very pretty

3) Every blogger has to name 10 facts/hobbies about themselves.
Love peeling skin. It is considered as one of my hobbies.Can de-stress one.
Get depressed/ angry/ emotional easily
Bad daughter, girlfriend and friend
Really wants my dad to be proud of me. Very very afraid that my dad will be disappointed in me
Love hanging out with guys rather than girls. But doesn't mean I don't like girlfriends la!
Prefer to fall asleep while reading story book at night rather than off the light and sleep normally
My thumb hurts since 1 and a half year ago and it still hurts. I still keep pressing it to feel the pain
I love my dog as much as I love my boyfriend
I don't think and act like a 19 years old girl
No one can understands me as I am super weird

4)You have to choose 10 award recipients and give a small description about them.
Crystal–have funny face expression.tahahhaa
Marcus–sigh, smart lorr..I also want!
Michelle Ngo–very noisy and aggressive
Loon Wei- Super nice guy but I hardly understand the words that are coming out from his mouth. I am slow and blur ok!
Howard - amazing photographer. Very emo
Kaye - the girl who I can really talk to
Yin Wey - Tall and hot
Emily - Woooo talks a lot. hahaha. Its not a bad thing ok.
Cherly - pretty pretty pretty and according to Nian, she does whatever you ask her to do.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Last House On The Left

Produced by the producer of The Hills Have Eyes and Friday the 13th.
It is a thriller that actually makes sense.
Unlike those lame ass thrillers like Strangers,Vacancy......that kills people for no reason.
The boyfriend also admitted that it is a great movie.
( To a person who is difficult to pleased, this movie can be counted as super awesome liao)
Blood everywhere, raping and swearing scenes which are cut( buy DVD if you want to watch those and the most amazing part, characters which know how to plan and fight back instead of running away, hiding and screaming.

It is about 2 girls who are kidnapped by 3 people. Those 3 are criminals so they are afraid that the girls will report to the police. When one of the girl's parents found out that they were the people who shot, raped and injured their daughter, they killed them back. Interesting huh?
I highly recommend everyone to watch this movie.
You will feel extremely disgusted but that feeling is just Woooohooooohoooo.
Plus, it is kind of funny too. Especially the nose twisting part.

Listen to :
Obsessed- Mariah Carey
Be With You- Akon

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Prom 09

This is the end.
I may not be able to see my classmates of 1 and a half years again.
Errr except Crystal I guess.
I am certain that we will see each other again. hahaha

Crystal, the closest woman with me in class, always sitting together,ponteng together,gossip together........etc
I just want to say Thank you babe.
For tolerating my bitchiness, emo-ness and most of all, listening to my stories.
Other than Crystal, I am not really close to the rest.
But I like hanging out with the Sarawak-ians and Loon Wei.

My gf-Tal.

For example, this fella here.
This is Andy.(and his gf-Josicca)
He is extremely hilarious. Although he love teasing me( err like super kao kao), I still like him.
And the weird part is, I actually kinda like his teasing.

This is Loon Wei.
Urghhh I seriously like him. He is like a really caring brother.
We can talk to each other about everything.
I feel so comfortable being around him.
Definitely will look for him when I go back to my dad's hometown in Perak.
Wait for meeeeee!

This is Alvin- another Sarawak-ian.
The most pretty and most vain of all.
Love to look at girls with big boobs.
So love gossip-ing with him.

Too bad I did not take picture with Marcus.(the other Sarawak-ian)
He is the super smart type of guy.
Despite being extremely smart, he is not arrogant.
He is always willing to teach me whenever I ask him questions.
Really x100 appreciate it.
Marcus, if you are reading this, I wanna say Thank you soooooo much!

Yea Ok so anyway, lets talk about prom.
I was in a hurry getting ready.
My sister took quite long to curl my hair.( I love it so much. Thank you Che!)
Last minute only decided how to style my hair.
I was looking at the mirror while holding my hair, thinking how should I style,
then my sister said :" Eh this is nice, lets do it like this!"
So there......
Meet up with the rest and off we went.

my super sexy guy.

All my classmates went to prom.
And OMG everyone looked ****ing amazing I tell you.
Can hardly believe how different they look from their usual college days.
I was pretty stunned.
The most drastic change- Chin Xia and Nee Ling.

LW and WN

What were the guys looking at?

Sigh, pretty girls.
I wasn't included.

the 2 gorgeous couples.

Mich, Tal, Loon Wei, ty, Meimei

Handsome peeps of PM7

Layydeez of PM7

Andy and Loon Wei

who else?

We were both bending our knees.

Prom queen of PM7

NeeLing(Bee said she is pretty), Chin Xia, Tal, Me!

Plus Stephanie( the most responsible class rep)(love her boobs, man!)

Lecturers dancing to Jaiho.

YiLing. A really sweet and friendly girl.
Good luck with ahem.

Mr Leong! the beloved Physics lecturer.
He is soooo cute! He dance pretty well.
Aaaa so gonna miss his silly actions!

Look! A man!
The lamest and funniest woman in PM7.
Please don't be afraid of me. sobz.
I feel bad.......

Ms Rathi, our Chemistry lecturer.
The greatest lecturer of all time.
The mother of PM7.

Yang Ming, Looh Zhen, Tal

He said: Don't smile

Classmate during Form 4 and 5.
She looked so damn different and beautiful that night!
Almost couldn't recognize her.

Shu Ling.
Another ex classmate.
She was nominated for Best Dressed.
Love her dress man!



We went back earlier because Bee have to work the next day.
Goodbye you guys!
Hopefully one day we can see each other again.


-Watching episodes of CSI:NY -