Hello dead blog, I am back!
Just done with 3 papers and I am left with 1 more. The last paper is on Tuesday.
Honestly thinking, I think I did quite badly for all 3 papers, especially the second one.
Say bye-bye to HD and D. Hopefully I won't fail!
I think I will commit suicide if I fail. Ok maybe I am exaggerating. :p
But please God, dont let me fail or get a Pass. At least a Credit. please please please. I studied consistently everyday since the beginning of the semester ( err I skipped a few days lahh), so I need to know that my effort has not gone to waste.
So anyway, I am not going back to Malaysia for winter break.
I am going to stay here, work part time and buy some story books to read.
Sounds like a good plan?
Ok I will update again as soon as I have something to update.
urghhh I am so scared about how my results will turn out wtf^$^&)(*)(#$$%!!#$
I dont wanna fail! I dont wanna waste my parents' money!
People will not like me anymore if I am stupid. :(
Urgh okbye!
Foo Hou Dim Sum
3 days ago