Jay Chou is back with a new album - The Era.
I think.
Just finished listening to all the songs and to tell the truth, I only liked one or two of them.
But maybe after listening to a more times, I will like more songs.
Bee and I skipped one lecture today because :
1. The lecture is at 830am.
2. The weather is so cold.
3. The lecturer is kinda bad in giving lecture. Nobody understands him. The amount of students that attend his lecture is usually less than the other lectures.
We went to uni at 1030am because we had a practical test at 11am. It was an open book online test. Next week we are having the "real" practical test. Shoot me please.
So, a few weeks back, Bee and I joined Bee's basketball group for dinner at Sofia's.
Cherly kept saying that the food there is great so we decided to go.
It was a Saturday night.
I still went although I've eaten so much jam sponge cake, was quite full during dinner time.
He, trying to show off his biceps.
Me, trying to show off mine.
love you long time.
We had to sit train to get there.
And that was my first time sitting train in Australia.
I didn't know we can use our tram card for train.
The place was HUGE and everywhere was packed with people.
Whats wrong with you people??!
I know the portion is big and the price is reasonable, but the food is not THAT nice!
3 types of pasta
I suggested to order this.
lousy cameraman (one of the waiter)
After dinner, Bee and I went to Melbourne's "Suku".
Melbourne's Suku is Ten Ren, the bubble tea shop.
Exam is in less than 1 month.
I will be home in 1 month + 3 days.
I will be back here is 2 months.
Semester 2 is starting in 2 months.
Foo Hou Dim Sum
3 days ago
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